ferma servicios y proyectos internacionales

Comboio ligeiro ao novo aeroporto de Luanda (2009)

Creation of the company TeknoRail Systems S.A. Spain (2010)

Supply Diesel self-propelled units for INCFA. Angola (2013)

Salamanga – Matola Railway Project. Mozambique (2014)

Supply of self-propelled units Caminho de Ferro de Luanda. Angola (2014)

Provision of maintenance services, technical assistance and training. Angola (2017)

New CFL exploitation and management model. Angola (2017)

CFL signaling and communications system. Angola (2019)

Study of alternatives Bungo-Malanje line. Angola (2019)

Technical Treatment Center in Catete. Angola (2020)

General maintenance workshops for the Benguela fleet. Angola (2021)

General maintenance workshops for the Moçámedes fleet. Angola (2021)

Renovation of the Zenza - Cacuso section. Angola (2022)

Extension of the Malanje - Saurino line. Angola (2022)

Construction of the North-South corridor CFL-CFB-CFM. Angola (2022)

Supply of self-propelled units and track cleaning equipment. Angola (2022)